The VM Workshop is a grassroots non-profit organization made up of customers, ISVs, and business partners with an interest in the use and growth of the z/VM platform and Linux on IBM Z.
- SSH Client Suite for z/VSE and VSEnSSH Client Suite for z/VSE and VSEn - Neale Ferguson (VM Workshop 2023)
- Bringing .NET v6 and Alma Linux to IBM z Plus a Redbook - Neale Ferguson/Kurt Acker (VM Workshop 2022)
- Automating MongoDB Deployments on Mainframes - Kurt Acker (VM Workshop 2022)
- Product and Service Offerings - Kurt Acker (VM Workshop 2020)
- NJE and SSH Client Suite - Neale Ferguson (VM Workshop 2019)
- Container Orchestration - Neale Ferguson (VM Workshop 2019)
- Introduction to Docker and Open Shift - Neale Ferguson (VM Workshop 2017)
- Introduction to Docker - Neale Ferguson (VM Workshop 2016)
- RPM Basics - Dustin Harman (VM Workshop 2015)
- High Availability and Clustering File Systems on Linux on z - Neale Ferguson (VM Workshop 2015)
- Performing Actions on File Events - Dustin Harman (VM Workshop 2014)
- Introducing XEDIT - ScottCourtney (VM Workshop 2014)
- Printing Without Channel - David Boyes/Jacob Welsh (VM Workshop 2013)
- High Availability for RHEL on System z - David Boyes (VM Workshop 2013)
To View all the presentations from the workshops you can visit below:
- 2023 Presentation Archives
- 2022 Presentation Archives
- 2021 Presentation Archives
- 2020 Presentation Archives
- 2019 Presentation Archives
- 2018 Presentation Archives
- 2017 Presentation Archives
- 2016 Presentation Archives
- 2015 Presentation Archives
- 2014 Presentation Archives
- 2013 Presentation Archives
- 2012 No Presentation Archives
- 2011 No Presentation Archives